Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Keplers Laws

#1. The orbit of every planet is an elipse with the Sun at a focus

#2. A line joining a planet and the Sun sweeps out equal areas during equal intervals of time.

#3. The speed of a planet increases as it approaches the Sun and decreases as it moves away.

Johannes Kepler was the one who found the laws by looking at the astronomical observations of Tycho Brahe. This laws proves that planets speeds varie. It also proves that planets move around the Sun, not the Sun moving around us.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Law of Gravity

Sir Isaac Newton saw an apple fall onto the ground and recognized that a force was causing this to happen. He named the force Gravity.
Gravity is a force produced between two things with volume and mass. All objects have their own gravitational force. Smaller objects can be pulled towards the bigger objects. Gravity is the reason why the atmosphere is still in place. Nowbody in this world knows how gravity works, it just does. Gravity is everywhere on earth. An example of it is "An apple falls from a tree".

Newton was one of those great people in history that everyone thought of. He was a very intelligent human being.

Bodes Law

Bode said that all the planets were located in space at a regularly predictable interval (d=v+4 divided by 10). Predicts the spacing of the planets in the Solar System. Distances are calculated in Astronomy Units (AU). Uranus was discoverd using Bodes Law.
Planet 1=Mercury

Scientists have used Bodes Law through the centuries and have been succesful.


Earths Specifications

Earth is the third planet from the sun. Earths distance from the sun is between 146 and 152 million km. The diameter of earth is 12,753 km. Earths time of rotation is 24 hours. Earths revolution time is 365 days and 5 hours. It only has one moon. The gases on earth are Co2 and oxygen. Some of the major features on earth are oceans, land and life.

Earth is an amazing planet with an abundance of life. There are all different types of terrain and there is a lot of lush greenery. Earth also has seasons.


Mars Specifications

Mars is the fourth planet from the sun. Mars distance from the sun is between 205 and 249 million km. The diameter of Mars is half that of the earths (6794 km). Its time of rotation is 24.6 hours about Axis. The time of revolution for Mars is 687 days. Mars has two moons and its major features are the Polar Ice Cap, craters and volcanos. Its atmosphere gases are 5% nitrogen and argon and 95% Co2.

No one has ever been to Mars but scientists have sent robots to Mars to collect pictures and samples of the earth. Scientists can also get very good photos of Mars by using telescopes. Hopefully a person will land on Mars one day.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Galileo was born on Feb 15, 1564 and died on Jan 8, 1642. He turned out to be a physicist, a mathematician, an astronomer and a philosopher. Galileo played a very big role in science, he improved the telescope, astromomical observations and he also supported Copernicanism. Galileo was known as " the father of science". He was also the cause for the birth of modern science. Galileo also worked on inventing and technology.

Galileo was born in Pisa, Italy. His father was a music theorist and a lutenist. The full name of Galileo is Galileo di Vincenzo Bonaitide de Galilei. Galileo was educated in the Camaldolese Monastery at Vallombrasa. With his wife, Galileo had three children, Virginia, Livia and Vincenzo. Galileo was buried at the Basilica of Santa Croce, Florence.

Earths Moon

Moons Specifications

The moons distance from earth is 384,000 km. The diameter of the moon is 3,476 km. Its time of rotation is 27 days. The time it takes to revolve around earth is 27 1/3 days. Some of the gases that are on the moon are helium and radon. A couple of the moons major features are its craters and the Atkan Basin.

The first two people to walk on the moon were Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong, Apollo 11 to be exact. This was on July 20, 1969. When Neil took his first step on the moon he said, " Thats one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. Allot has happened since then!

People already new allot about the moon before they even set foot on it. Stuff like the texture of the earth, what kind of earth it is, etc. Scientists figured out allot about the moon by using telescopes.