Sunday, May 9, 2010

Earths Moon

Moons Specifications

The moons distance from earth is 384,000 km. The diameter of the moon is 3,476 km. Its time of rotation is 27 days. The time it takes to revolve around earth is 27 1/3 days. Some of the gases that are on the moon are helium and radon. A couple of the moons major features are its craters and the Atkan Basin.

The first two people to walk on the moon were Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong, Apollo 11 to be exact. This was on July 20, 1969. When Neil took his first step on the moon he said, " Thats one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. Allot has happened since then!

People already new allot about the moon before they even set foot on it. Stuff like the texture of the earth, what kind of earth it is, etc. Scientists figured out allot about the moon by using telescopes.

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